What is mental toughness?

I started thinking about the concept of mental toughness when many clients came in and were healing from an injury or were readying themselves for surgery. I realized many times that watching them heal was a true mental toughness. I remember I had to be my toughest when I was healing from an injury as well.  Yes, running a marathon is hard, but with training and time, I was able to accomplish it. Having 2 knee surgeries after running the marathon and lying on my couch watching my kids manage the house was where the mental toughness really was needed.  
Mental toughness isn't just about how we are on the sports field, but how we live out each moment of our daily life.  

Yes, I researched the idea behind mental toughness. If interested read further  about Psychologist Peter Clough and colleague's   
   4 C's of mental toughness

It comprises four components: 

Commitment: Goal orientation, Achievement Orientation

Challenge: Risk Orientation, Learning Orientation

Confidence: Confidence in Abilities, Interpersonal Confidence

Control: Life Control, Emotional Control

So how do these relate to what I teach?

I believe It takes mental toughness to take the time to heal from an injury.

I believe it takes mental toughness to walk yourself into my studio and open the doors of your heart to what you need my help with.

It takes mental toughness to take time away from your sport or the movement that you love to lie on a machine or a mat, and participate in movements that seem so different from what you normally do.  

It takes mental toughness to lie in Savasana and take time to breath and rest.

So many of you come to class to achieve, risk, learn, become confident in your movement, to gain control and an understanding of your mind and body. 

As Peter Clough states: Mental toughness can be taught at all ages.  When you watch the Olympics, don't just credit these amazing athletes, who yes, have amazing mental toughness.  But give yourself credit as well and know you too can look at these 4 c's and work on your mental toughness.  

From my end I will continue to provide you with the space you need to help you with your commitment, challenge, confidence, and control to thrive and find joy in class and off the mat.


love without measure


"Until further notice... Celebrate everything!"