Welcome 2023


Here we are…

New Year, New You?


New Year, Same You?


I usually tend to be the latter. I often have lofty ideas about what the New Year will bring and then by January 5th, the ideas tend to diminish.  I find that I usually start new during the month of April and the month of September.  I can only think it may have something to do with the start of Spring and the beginning of the school year.  


I did find a few good articles this week about entering the New Year. The first one is from the Wall Street Journal called “Invest in Yourself for Returns in 2023”  The idea is investing in our human capital meaning investing in ourselves, not just for 5 days, but each day for your future self.  


The second article was a blog from Tim Ferris where he looks back on the past year and helps him decide how he wants to live in the new year.  

As with anything, there is no best way to begin your new year or new month or new day.  The best way is the way that works for you.


I personally was called to take a look back at my year, make the changes that didn’t feel right to me and make plans for the things that felt right. 


May you find joy, health, happiness and while I know there may be sadness, may you find the resilience to move forward.


Blessings to each of you as you enter 2023.


“At the end of each year, I ask myself 2 questions:
1) What do I want to create in this New Year?
And perhaps even more importantly
2)What do I want to let go of?”

Life is a Verb~Patricia Digh


A few things I learned while traveling:


Peace begins with us