The bravery of speaking kindly to yourself.

“Don't speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn't know the difference. Words are energy, and they cast spells; that's why it's called spelling. Change the way you speak about yourself, and you can change your life.” -Bruce Lee


Fifteen years ago, I didn't set out to be a yoga teacher.


I herniated three discs in my lower back, and in PT, I was doing a lot of yoga exercises. After six months, I asked if I could graduate and began looking for a yoga class.  


This was 2007, and I didn't know too many studios I felt comfortable walking into. So, I found a class held once a week on a Sunday morning at Bally's Total Fitness (remember that!!).


From that first class and many more after that, I learned that I had many negative thoughts popping into my head.  


I will never get this!

I will never be able to touch my toes!

My back is never going to get better!


Oh Boy!!

I was beating myself up. I couldn't run anymore, and I couldn't figure out what exercise to do without hurting my back. I was beyond frustrated, as my body needed to move to help my mind feel good. The negative thoughts were piling up and coming at a fast pace.


I kept going back. I knew I needed to stretch, and it felt good to move.


I then decided to take a teacher training because I wanted to do this more than once a week or not at all if I couldn't make the Sunday class.  


I didn't realize until five years into my yoga journey that I wasn't beating myself up as much. I realized I was kinder to myself, and as my mean thoughts popped into my head, I was more aware of what I was thinking and could ask myself, 


would I say these things to a friend? Of course not! 

Self-care became a Covid word, but those who practice Yoga and meditation by moving their body and calming their minds have been practicing being a friend to themselves by caring for themselves.

This journey I’ve been on has been such a gift that I keep giving myself and those around me. I’m happier and healthier because I have cared for my mind and body.  


Change is hard work-how to do it with a good story to tell


Moving for gardening and springtime!