What is it about time that is so perplexing?
"The myth is that there isn't enough time. There is plenty of time. There isn't enough focus with the time you have. You win by directing your attention toward better things." James Clear
This week I went to a Yoga and Vision board class and we were asked to circle our top values. One that I had never seen or perhaps this was the moment when this word jumped out at me: TIME.
In my early 20’s I remember thinking how I didn’t have time for certain things, but as I got older and looked back, I realized I really did have the time.
When I turned 55, I decided I was going to live my life in 10 year increments. As I felt that my brain and body will change a bit at the end of each of the next (hopefully) 3 decades.
I hadn’t really thought much more about this until a few months ago as people were telling me about their summer vacations and bike trips etc. I started thinking about all the fun adventures I want to participate in before I hit 65! Of course I thought, I’m running out of TIME!
I realize the older I get, the more fear I feel around time. Many days I really feel like I am running low on time, or that I won’t be able to do certain things if I wait too long to do them. I also believe there are so many cool things to do and places to go in this world that I would love go to or to try!
This quote from James Clear popped up in an email I received and I have been coming back to it for a few weeks. I realized James Clear is correct. There is plenty of time, I just need to start focusing on what value I place on the time that I have.
I am super blessed this week to be able to spend some good quality time with my husband in an area he has never been to before, and I met up with a cousin I haven't seen since I was probably 12 years old.
May you find some joy in the time you have this week!