What does patience look like to you?

This week, I've been reading from my Advent book, "A Time for Holy Listening." This book is a reminder of this beautiful time of year for waiting and patience. Yet, because we have a deadline for our celebrations, whether it's Hanukkah or Christmas, we all seem to run around frenetically trying to get the last-minute shopping, cookie-making, and all the other craziness finished that comes with this season.  

Taking a step back and looking out at the grander picture of our lives, what can we do this season to be a gatherer of our community, friends, and families?

Here in the Dellanina house, we are patiently awaiting the arrival of our first grandchild.  For me, I am praying daily for the health of my daughter and her child.  Everything else is just a stitch in time, and I know the little gifts will be forgotten, but the grander moment of bringing a new life into this world is such a beautiful gift that trumps every pair of pants and socks or all the gifts under the tree!

What does being patient look like to you?  

Can you be patient with our children as they get frustrated that they may not get what they want for Christmas?
Can you be patient, waiting your turn while the new employee struggles?
Can you be patient with driving around town to reach your next destination quickly?
Can you be patient with yourself, and when you are tired, can you rest?

This is also a reminder to give yourself grace in the race to the finish line and to remind others around us of the beauty of this season. Our patience will touch another and another.  

This week, I wish you a time for holy listening, a time for peace, and a time for patience.


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Don’t let anyone say you can’t!