Silverheart Yoga & Pilates

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Can I have an adult temper tantrum?

When I was teaching yoga last week, I was lying on my stomach and had this feeling of just needing to kick my feet on the floor. I explained the movement as if "you are having an adult temper tantrum." If you were in class I hope you enjoyed and laughed, or said "heck yes!"

It got me thinking!
Can I have an adult temper tantrum?

I decided I could, but what does this look like in my life?
I'm not great at expressing my anger, I'm sure I learned to, "suck it up" or was told, "you don't want to hurt someone else's feelings!!"

Last March when the world turned upside down, as many of you know I was able to head to my moms and care for her while she was sick. I can't begin to tell you the anger I felt each day with her doctor, and hospital, and yes! COVID! My frustration and anger were beyond what I could handle and deal with...I didn't know what to do with it.

So one day, I skipped down her driveway-It's 1/4 mile long (I would remind you every day when I walked to the bus:)) with my earbuds in listening VERY LOUDLY to the song "Resilient" by Rising Appalachia. I sang and then screamed as loud as I could - living in the country makes it a bit easier.

It's almost a year later!
Unfortunately, I know some of this anger is still living inside me.

So as I pondered this "anger" idea this week, I reached out to my yoga friends who do this work so much better than I and asked about resources. I watched video after video on Polyvagal Theory. I'm attaching one here for you.

Yes, you can have an adult temper tantrum, but working with ourselves and learning how to get rid of our anger in a safe, freeing way is important. The idea is to not take our anger out on others, but process our anger in a way that helps everyone involved. "The emotions that have had you fuming are simply the surface presentation of a huge biological urge, and the energy that is in that urge, once it’s given a healthy channel to flow through so that it can be expressed, becomes something wonderful. It becomes vitality, creativity, focus and drive.When it’s left unexpressed and stifled it becomes depression, rage, hatred, anxiety and illness"-Seth Lyon ~Read more from Seth Here

This year has found many of us feeling lost, lacking control, angry and mystified at what comes next. My hope for you all is that you find time this week to express your anger in a safe way or if you know a loved one that needs help expressing their anger surround them with love to do it safely.

"It might have been reasonable to be angry and bitter. But with love all around me, I was able to sit with my grief without lashing out"~Bishop Michael Curry

Movement, love, and laughter to you!
