Winter Solstice
As we enter this week of Christmas and the Winter Solstice, I reflected on last year and how it seemed easy to hunker down as we were still fighting the monster called covid. Well, here we are again, still fighting the good fight.
This year, I'm entering winter with a different feeling, trying to push away the need to rest and reset. I'm not sure why, but perhaps I'm feeling like I'm missing out on the fun I could be having.
Winter is the time the animals that are meant to hibernate do so. They know that's what they need to do. We, as humans, have a choice to hibernate or not and often seem to forget that when the sun goes down at 4:30 or 5:00, we are meant to shift, slow down, eat our soup, turn off our computers, and rest our bodies and minds.
Yeah, I know; it won't happen or be tough.
But how about if you & I take a bit of time this week to turn inside, reflect on the week ahead (yup, you have one more week to shop and bake), and instead of hating on winter, accept the needs of our minds and bodies to rest up for spring.
Here is a beautiful winter solstice poem to help you through the next few months.
May the longest night and the shortest day.
Bring rest to your mind and soul.
I pray.
May you find guidance and may you find peace,
As the cycle of light will slowly increase
Embrace the magic that the darkness bears.
Breathe deep in the chill and shift in the air.
May you always be blessed with the light from within
And may well being be yours as the new cycle begins.