Silverheart Yoga & Pilates

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The Vagus (pronounced just like Las Vegas) Nerve

A few things happened to me last week that brought to mind the Vagus Nerve and its importance.
1. I went to a meeting with a room full of professors and they spoke of how do we become more resilient.
2. I attended an event and a gentleman explained to me his health issues, especially gut issues.

When pondering both conversations, I immediately thought about the vagus nerve and vagal tone which never came up in either discussion. So I decided to remind you, my students and readers, about the gift of the vagus nerve.

The Vagus Nerve (Vagus - means wandering in Latin) is the longest nerve in the body.

The vagus nerve and vagal tone are vital to our health:
If you have high vagal tone you are in good health physically and mentally and are more resilient to stress. If you have low vagal tone you may have chronic inflammation, gut issues, depression, heart disease, migraines, diabetes, chronic fatigue and struggle when you are stressed (lacking resilience) and this list goes on...

How do you know if you have low vagal tone?  
1. Check your uvula (back of throat) if you say ahh and it doesn't rise you have low vagal tone(yes your dr. looks at that)
2. If you try to gag yourself and you don't gag, you have low vagal tone. 
3. Testing your heart rate variability.

How can you stimulate your vagus nerve? 
1. Prayer, chanting, meditation (I have 5 guided meditations on my membership site)
2. Deep breathing (happy to help teach you)- many of us breath too shallow.
3. Cold water stimulation (finish your shower with cold water, splash your face with cold water, or I dip my feet in cold water) I'm trying:)!
4. Jumping on a trampoline, or just jumping.
5. Singing, and laughing!
6. Yoga - helps increase the parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest)
7. Acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy(I used this many times a day trying to get my sense of smell back after covid)

I hope this helps you think about your body and it's needs and how you can empower your own health and wellness. Here are a few articles to dive a bit deeper. Please email me if you have any questions about any of this. 
This article goes deeper into the why's of the above.
Great article on intense cardio and your vagal tone.

Check in on yourself today and see if you can add any of the above to your week ahead.