Spring Equinox

It seems like I was just writing about the Winter Solstice and here we are getting ready to celebrate the Spring Equinox!  Yea!! 

Ok, not that I want to keep pushing the seasons (and my years on earth), but I’m definitely ready for more light.

The Vernal equinox marks the turning point in our year when the daylight starts to win out over darkness. Vernal means “new” and “fresh” and equinox means aequus(equal) and nox (night).

In the midwest our trees are budding, and I’m watching my hyacinths and daffodils push through the ground.

It feels so renewing and I’m definitely ready to shake off the winter blahs and spring into new growth. I hope you are ready to spring forward with me.

I was looking through my notes of random thoughts and came upon these 3 questions I found from “Paul - the ripples guy.”. I thought I’d share them with you as they are 3 questions I will be pondering next week as well.

What is it time to let go of?

What will be important to hold on to?

What might be useful to look forward to?

If you journal, perhaps write, if you meditate, perhaps meditate on them, and if you just like to ponder in your head, play with that as well.   

Happy Spring Equinox to you!


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