What are you doing for your heart this month?

It's the month we celebrate Valentine's Day, so how can we take care of our hearts and celebrate others' hearts too? 


February 2nd was the American Heart Association campaign to wear red to help spread the word about heart challenges faced by women. The signs of a possible heart attack in women may be: (taken from the American Heart Association website)

  1. Uncomfortable pressure or pain in the center of your chest.

  2. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.

  3. Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.

  4. Other signs include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, lightheadedness, and vomiting.

What can we do to take care of our hearts?

Take the opportunity to eat healthily, keep our blood pressure and cholesterol in check, and move our body. Make sure if we have familial heart issues, we see our doctors for regular checkups. Learn how to manage our stress and, most importantly, our sleep.


I'm flipping the script now and talking about yoga and our hearts


The heart chakra is our 4th out of 7 and is called Anahata in Sanskrit. The color is green, which is the color of love, healing, serenity, and balance. It is the color most found in nature.  We can connect more deeply when our Heart Chakra is open and balanced.  We can forgive, find growth, and feel empathy, compassion, and love.

The Heart Chakra Anahata-4th Chakra

“When we have a blocked heart chakra, the physical imbalances that show up are asthma, heart disease, arm and wrist pain, lymphatic system issues, and breast issues.” Simona Sebastian


The emotional imbalances are jealousy, abandonment, anger, and bitterness.


What can we do to open our heart chakra to help us attain new growth, balance, and joy?


1. Listen and watch this video on Youtube


2. Practice a few heart-opening yoga poses, and head to my Instagram to watch them.

  1. Restorative Fish

  2. Bow Pose

  3. Bridge Pose

  4. Baby cobra or upward-facing dog

3. You can take time to plan breath work in your day - your heart pumps with the breath you breathe.


I hope you take some time this month to give your heart some love!


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