Everyday Compassion
“Our compassionate actions do not have to be enormous projects.”
~Joyce Rupp
It’s that time of year where many of us are giving up something for Lent.
Of course when I was little it was about sweets and not being mean to my siblings. But then in highschool I gave up meat and then in college I gave up dessert (my college had some good ones). Then after college I gave up … and then kept giving up…. And finally it dawned on me that I would rather try something positive (to me) instead of what felt negative in my mind and body.
I do like the action of taking 6 weeks to reset my mind and try to add positive, mindful moments to my days instead of feeling starved for something.
So as we move toward spring and Easter, give yourself the opportunity to find moments of quiet, mindfulness, prayer, reflection, and positive energy. Let’s try to “give up” negativity in a world that seems to be full of it. When you encounter an angry person (there seems to be many these days) be kind, be loving and know that your actions of peace can pay it forward.
“Daily acts of kindness, considerate understanding, and spontaneous generosity may not appear to have a great effect, and yet they have the power to ease the pain of negativity and cradle buoyancy in another person’s heart.”~Joyce Rupp