Silverheart Yoga & Pilates

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When I.. then I'll"Get in Shape"

When I sit to write these letters each week, it's usually based on a discussion I had with someone.

I love words and how we choose to use them. This week was one such comment.

"When I come back to class, then I will get into shape."

This is not meant to put down any choice of words, but it got me to thinking about "shapes" again :)

When you decide to "get back into shape," what was your shape when you were out of "shape?"
What shape do you want to be?
Round, long, rectangle?

"Being in shape" to me are words that are instagram or google words. So I decided to google
"How can I get in shape ___?"

The top results to fill in the blank were
fast, at home, with bad knees, in 3 months, at 55, at 60

I then decided to check the google results when people search:

"How do I get healthy ____?"

The top fill in the blank results were:
hair, nails, gums, sperm, fast, again, skin, eyes

Such a disconnect between "healthy & shape"

I believe we should turn these words into
I want to be healthy, so I can...

Be strong,
play on the floor
catch myself from falling
breathe efficiently
help my heart to be strong & happy
prevent chronic disease
keep my cholesterol in control
find joy in life
put my luggage in the overhead

So my hope for you is to move in all ways and shapes so you can be and stay healthy every day and never have to worry about "getting into your shape" or "getting out of your shape."

Let's get HEALTHY every day!
Each day, try to move in all 6 directions and find play & joy with your movement. Of course, in my classes, we move in all ways.
I'm filled with joy when you're able to join me!