Silverheart Yoga & Pilates

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Season Changes

This past week as we started to move toward fall, I found myself a bit off balance.  I often felt frustrated with other drivers, people moving too slow or too fast.  I was frustrated that my kitchen project seems slower than I felt it should.  I even changed my weekend plans as I knew my temper was a bit shorter.  I realized late yesterday that this is what happens as we move from one season to the next (called Ritusandhi in Ayurveda) and I hadn't prepared myself for it to happen.

"Ayurveda is a system of healing from India that uses nature as medicine, in a preventative and curative sense." ~Sarah Kucera.  

Summertime is filled with high energy and fall begins this downshift to slower energy.  When we try to stay in this energetic summer vibe we get off balance and it can affect us mentally and physically.  Fall becomes this airy, dry, rough, cold that makes us want to retreat inside.  The fall air moves in and you may begin to experience joint aches, dry skin, dry sinuses, cough, or cold. We change as our seasons change.

Here are a few ideas to embrace & work with this seasonal change:
1. Our bodies begin to crave cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger; our root vegetables are being picked. The fall season asked us to eat this way as they create warmth in the body after they are digested and they help us calm our central nervous system.
2. Adjust your movement practices and incorporate more strength training and endurance instead of focusing on intensity.
3. Try slow, deep breathing.  Try to set your alarm for 2-4 minutes.
4. Take time to journal & reflect on the year past, similar to our harvest time of year.
5.  When our body is asking us to rest~rest:)

Enjoy the changes that we go through as the season changes, your mind and body will thank you!