Silverheart Yoga & Pilates

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Round Up:

As in making something feel better.

I was talking with my family the other day about rounding up your change to help make a difference and helping one save money.  What started out as a small Acorn account after 4 years has turned in $1000 saved by just rounding up.  

Pretty fun to see.

Then it got me thinking about how I can make changes in small ways by rounding up.  

When I was in and out of my favorite gas stations this weekend I rounded up for the Salvation Army red buckets.  It doesn’t seem like much, but I know that when a larger group of people actively round up it can make a big difference. 

Then it got me thinking even more about rounding up my exercise routine.  What if I set out to do 10 minutes of movement and I end up doing 15. I know I’ll feel better by rounding up just 5 more minutes.  

Let's think of ways we can round up for our health as we head into the crazy busy season of Christmas, giving to ourselves as well as to others.

If you are looking to add a few minutes of movement or meditation to your day, I have 5 minute to 60 minute classes on my on-demand site.  I’d love to have you check it out. Thank you also for supporting small businesses like mine who keep your community thriving.